When Enough Is Enough
I get asked a lot about advice on relationships. Today's question: How do you know when its over? You gotta know when to call it. Time...
The Struggle of McCentury
The struggle is real! If you ain't never had or did any of the following, Imma need you to sit cho' ass down; Syrup, mayonnaise, cheese,...
Just Don't Give A Damn
Seriously! Everyday its right there, in our faces. Blatant. Raw. Cut throat. It hurts...like hell to know that beautiful colors of skin...

Raising A Mentality
It took me a minute to figure out what I would title this, because it baffles me how some people can't break away from "reality" to see...
Let's Have a Cup of Nationalist Tears
When I was younger and heard stories of people being shot and killed, I would always be mad at the gun. Now, think of it this way: When...
What's the Value of a Black Woman?
People make me sick! I KNOW! Its a direct statement and if you know me, I state this, a LOT! It's as if it is not a statement but more so...
Stay In Yo' Lane
Its soooooooooooooooooooooo much to do in the world! Everyone wants to push you in their direction. "Think like this! Talk like that!" Be...
Home Sweet (Digital) Home!
If you are reading this, congratulations! You have safely arrived at my crazy madhouse! Welcome to The CueNection! After spending many...