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Raising A Mentality

It took me a minute to figure out what I would title this, because it baffles me how some people can't break away from "reality" to see the real. There are two perceptions of the world with one pair of glasses to see it with.

Once you break your pair, you can never get another.

These glasses are very unique. Far more advanced and hi-tech than any other pair of glasses on the market. To be honest, you can't even buy these. You get your pair when you began to understand the world around you by those left in charge to show you the way. The Rose Series is one we all have or have owned at some point in life. When you wear them, the world seems crisp and new. Everything is enticing, seductive, sultry. Glamour is the key and sexy is the life. As long as you keeping up with the Jones', everything is pie in the sky. Life is dripping FUCKING GOLD!!!!!!

When I tell you the ride was thrilling, it was and for some people, it still is.

If you or someone you know that is reading this has a pair, please consult them and prepare to stop reading.

This is the end for you.

To the rest of you with broken frames, welcome.

Welcome to the fact that we see that there is a lot wrong with what we were shown and told in the world. Everything isn't peachy keen. The crisp and new is centuries upon centuries old and the same old song. You can't be coaxed or baited into the life. The attraction to beauty is too much of a razzle-dazzle to keep up with the demands of being "star-quality" and sex is a death trap like irrational people with guns, heart disease and lung cancer. The Jones' get robbed on the streets, the pie is Ms. Millie's and life is dripping shit.

There aren't a pair of glasses that can hide that amount of b.s. My Roses Series 99's got dirty at times and saw the true meaning to having to smash my pair.

I was on social media scrolling thru friends, when I saw a woman glorifying her son's activities of being a gang banger, saying she was a proud "Crip Mom" and that even though he like his "colors" she can't be mad at him because that's her son. Had I been rocking my now-broken glasses, I would have been co-signing such...foolery. Gotta thank those many times I chose not to clean them and just see thru dirty Rose Series shades.

Coming from Chicago, I see nothing funny about someone, ESPECIALLY A MOTHER, glorifying the gang activity of her son. There are mothers everyday losing their sons (and daughters) to gang violence. Yes, we are losing our people to police state...but we have to address home first. These children that run the streets in Chicago have a type of Rose Series glasses that are well beyond my range of style, depth or motion. These things are hardcore and they see the "perfect" life thru means of "getting down how they live." They are the generation of now: Instant everything, all the way down to making YOU shut your mouth.

And they don't just have these Series in Chicago, its in Every Inner City, USA.

You would think as we progress in life, we would want to do better to be better. However, we see that there are adults that STILL own a pair of Roses. The difference now is that there are times when, as an adult, even if you were Roses and rock them with pride and style, they still come off and show the real.

You can glorify the lifestyle but you also have to live with the consequences of doing such. You can flash all the money, rock all the Robbins Jeans and Gucci belts with the $250 t-shirt, in a pair of J's, living in Roses but don't say you didn't see it coming when he gets stabbed up several times on a Chicago, New York City, Baltimore, Philly, L.A., Cleveland, N.O., Miami-Dade, Houston, Dallas street.

At some point, you have to WANT to break not just the glasses, but the mentality itself.

It takes "to WANT" is the key phrase. Roses are now in high ownership and almost everybody is wearing them. We have to be the ones to say this is not acceptable. Its not just for us to teach our own children and immediate circle of people, but to lead by example in the world. Its hard to not get swallowed up in that deliquescent pool dripping with so much lust for indulging in the "sweet things" of life. It's harder to walk with the knowledge that something is wrong and there is a way to fix it...even if it just touches a few people.

In my eyes, the world is both a village and a child. "It take a village to raise the child"; the child being the current state of the world and the village being the people of the world who know that a lot of shit is wrong with it. The village is not whole and the child is left to run free and find its own path. We have to nurture the child. We can't allow the child to take life into his or her own hands without proper guidance. We can't glorify bad behavior and say "its ok" because its someone we love.

I say if you want the cycle broken, start with breaking your pair of Rose Series Glasses and never instill a want for them in your offspring.

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