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When Enough Is Enough

I get asked a lot about advice on relationships. Today's question: How do you know when its over?

You gotta know when to call it.

Time of Death: Its your call

As humans in being, we find ourselves wanting to be as perfect as we think we are.

Then you get that knowledge that nobody, including you, are as perfect as you thought.

So what SHOULD you do? Work on being a better person.

What actually happens? You work on it, eventually.

The issue is that "working on it eventually", will have you losing out on the gifts that were bestowed upon you. You may decide it is something that can wait. It can be put off til later. It's just not that important. In reality, it could be the one thing that becomes the deciding factor in when to say when.

If the person you're with is not growing with you, it's time to grow alone.

"Weeds kill the growth of flowers."

Flowers need to be nurtured, watered, fed, and yes, talked to. They need love and TLC.

In this generation, we live amongst a vat of Round-Up.

Sprayed on anything that has beauty, growth and development.

Most times, its the person growing the flowers, planting the weeds.

Another way to see it: The doctor is supposed to make you well but he get's paid to keep you sick.

You are supposed to grow with your partner but you're lack of growth with wither and dry up your ship.

In conclusion, its going to be your call when you are done. The same things that attracted you to that person will be the same things that turn you off. Relationships take both partners to make it work. If you see yourself doing all the work and your partner not, it's time to step off.

Best way I can put it.

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