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What's the Value of a Black Woman?

People make me sick!

I KNOW! Its a direct statement and if you know me, I state this, a LOT! It's as if it is not a statement but more so a fact. i got it from my Mamma. When one child was in trouble it was "All Y'ALL do is (whatever that ONE did) blah, blah, blah" or any variation of "y'all' that applied. For me, "people" refers to the general population outside of those I know as family and friends. I can say with confidence that people ain't shit.

I stopped watching television because the news is always depressing. It's like watching a tour real horrors. To your left you have a child abuse case and to your right, a shooting of yet another loved one. Cheeto No.45 says the most asinine things and the lemmings are following this living snack with blond virgin corn silk bundles. As it seems, the more stupid and foolish it sounds, the masses will follow.

As its been proven, common sense is not common. People aren't just relinquishing the right to use their brains, they are also refusing to use their eyes, too. They refuse to see what is there. Take for instance Charleena Lyles. A pregnant, Black woman shot to death in front of her children, by police, after calling them about complaints of a theft. Rekia Boyd, was chilling with her friends on the block and got shot by a cop cuz his pride got the best of him while failing his mission. Pearlie Golden was 93. She was shot by a cop 5 times for wielding a gun; her nephew took her car keys due to her license being taken. Tarika Wilson was killed in her home, holding her baby; police were after her boyfriend. She was not a suspect in anything he was involved in. Sandra Bland.

A natural resistance developed through years of trauma and abuse at the hand of those who feel they have lost control.

It doesn't stop at police brutality. Sexual assaults, domestic assaults, assaults on us by our own Black men, assaults from all parts of society who show disdain for how we are genetically built, yet crave to have our parts in their own genetic build. The mother of human civilization cast to the bowels of nothing.

We as Black women have to continue to show that love and support within ourselves and among ourselves. Have you told a sista how much she is valued today. Have you told her she is loved? Have you uplifted her soul? Did you make her feel like she belong? If no one else will show us love, let us show us love. Let us show us our value and our worth. Let us be us!

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