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Let's Have a Cup of Nationalist Tears

When I was younger and heard stories of people being shot and killed, I would always be mad at the gun. Now, think of it this way: When we would get hurt, our mom would go whip the thing that hurt us. You scrape your knee on the ground, mom stomped the floor. You bumped your head on the table, mom whipped the table. Whatever caused you pain, she whipped it. So you can see why I would always think the gun would get a whipping.

Then I grew up...

...and I realized that the item itself is just an item. What caused it to cause harm was the person in control.

Today, in these "un" United States a car plowed into a crowd of anti-racist counter protesters. One person died and as many as 19 people were injured. If you haven't been following current events, the Alternative Right (Alt-Right) held a "white nationalist" rally in Charlottesville, VA, causing a riot. There was so much carnage that the governor of Virginia declared a state of emergency due to the eruption of the fight. The cause of the rally: The removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.

Now...ion know about y'all BUT I know its a THOUSAND other things for muthafuckas to be mad about...but since folks are upset, let me sum up why they're mad: They feel they are being erased.

Now, I'm supposed to have compassion for all people no matter what, because were all human; however, I can't...because I know all too well what it feels like to be written out of history.

The "Alt wrong" are upset that the city council voted to remove the Robert E. Lee statue from the downtown area after the shooting of 9 black church goers by Dylan Roof. Not only did they vote to remove the statue, they also changed the name of Lee Park to Emancipation Park. Despite the vote, the courts stopped the removal of General Lee's statue for 6 months. Protesters of the removal of the statue have been rallying since May 13th, 2017. Personally, I'm not understanding how something built and erected 59 years after the Civil War has so much meaning as it was not even connected to the Civil War itself.

In the end, these people are afraid of being wiped out of history when they helped to create damn near every wrong in it. I can honestly say I have been reading the concerns of the people and.....

...I started collecting the tears of every crying "nationalist".

For years, my people have been kidnapped, sold, beat, brainwashed and spent to ends in this hell created in THESE "un" United States. We have had our culture damn near erased. We have been written out of our story, replaced with anybody but us. We have had laws that protected "nationalist" at the cost of our masked freedom. There was Jim Crow....and post-Jim Crow cuz it didn't go nowhere...just got renamed to 13th Amendment and made life worse. A slew of "you can't but we can" statues and laws created to protect what felt superior to all.

And before I could even finish this, I've been labeled a racist by 15 "nationalist" because I am aware.

I am aware of how you feel being written out of "history"...and my lavender and chamomile teabag is ready to steep in your sweet, hot, golden tears located in the bottom of my Hamilton: An American Musical mug....because he, unlike Lee, was a REAL AMERICAN hero.

The only thing I can do is give my best advice and much of Black America has the same answer:

You WILL get used to it.

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