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Baby Boomers: You Fucked Us Up

Yeah, I said it!

You baby boomers are the sole complainers, claiming millennials messed up the world, and we haven't been on Earth that long. We (millennials) just want what's best for humanity and you motherfuckers are still hollering bring back the good ol' days. What was so good about them?

Black people had to fight for their civil rights (and still fighting), the Vietnam War was unnecessary (like all wars), that second wave of feminism didn't pan out quite right (refer to current pussy grabber holding office), your generational revolt and defiance lead you to be irresponsible with your choices in sex to the point that we have family issues, mostly not knowing who our dads are or knowing and just being difficult because you both cant get it together.

The recession of 1969-70 discouraged you. The 1973 oil crisis scared you. You got real bold protesting the draft and the war. Watergate blew you away. Ronald Regan fucked y'all up with "Reganomics". Some of y'all allowed crack cocaine to dictate your life. Others got buried so far in their jobs and careers that both situations saw US taking care of and fending for our siblings and ourselves. Your toxic behavior and lack of empathy has helped you destroy what was to be your family.

Today, we have a generation of people who have had to raise themselves. Given no real love or guidance, they did things like join gangs (for family aspect), get in trouble (for your attention), and have babies (to love) but lacked the proper knowledge to care for it. Your parents were left with the responsibility to raise us because you couldn't get your shit together. You wanted to pursue your own interest in drugs and relationships that you threw your family away for it. You left us to learn on our own, fend for ourselves and navigate this world alone. The effects of your neglect has reached far past what you have done (or not done) to us.

The difference between us and y'all is that WE WANT TO BREAK THE CYCLE! We know our children deserve better. We know our children need proper guidance and care. We know that your way is the wrong way and we don't want to repeat it. Yes, some of us are still caught up living in the pain YOU have dished out...but MOST of us know better.

So before you go around claiming millennials are ruining the world, make sure you remember your era and that generational sex/drug rebellion you were apart of that in my opinion, fucked you up.

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