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It is Time

The glasses shattered a long time ago, but the stigma of knowing what the world REALLY is kept me from being WHO I am. At every turn, I walk in strides to be myself, only to be told my strides are too short to be up to par with strides I'm NOT WANTNG to walk in. You take it in and keep going because you know that your presence alone intimidates, having not spoken one word, yet has the room talking. It's this constant visual that would become the guide to this journey I've been blessed to grow in and survive through. If my story can help one person, I've reached my goal.

On this channel, and by natural law, there is nobody to be but myself...and myself is MUH FUGGIN TIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!

Finally tired enough to write it out. It's so much happening every day that we internalize it and keep moving. Every human a machine and machines taking over human roles. It's a virus wiping us out. The world is crying. She has been used and depleted of her resources and just want everyone off her back. Sounds equal to the feeling I am sure many Women of Color are feeling. At. This. Very. Moment.

Yo, when I say I'm TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE, I mean I'm tired of it being 2021 and we still haven't learned to respect EVERYBODY AS THEY ARE and IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, STAY THE F*@K AWAY FROM THEM! Let's face it, everybody has and are completely free to have preference in who we want and what we like. So why do we waste our time bashing those who don't fit into our "likes" ? I said "WE" because I am not exempt from doing such. You will learn that the term "The bullied becomes the bully" is the real deal...and its a cycle that HAS to be broken. For the resistance, to do so will continue to create a generation of monsters who don't possess the power to control the power to break the spell.

It's time for me to tell the story of a woman who had to constantly fight people, stereotypes, stigmas, family, so-called friends, and the Chicago streets. It's time for people to understand that there is truth in "Treat people the way you want to be treated". When I looked at the things God gave me in life, I realize she did it to save me and give me an understanding to what is important in life, despite the cards I was dealt. Each hand dealt was played to its best; I am here to deliver my current hand.


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